Take Action

It's easy to get overwhelmed in the face of climate change, but don't get discouraged! While no individual can bear the brunt of this responsibility, it is the summation of our little actions that create change in society and shape our world for the better!

Below you will find some tips on where to start your journey towards making a difference.


If population growth can be reduced and if governments, industry, academia and all of us relentlessly dedicate our creativity and energy we can start drawing down that insulating blanket of greenhouse gasses and solve this problem so that our children and grandchildren will have a healthy, thriving planet to enjoy.

Sir David’s October 2020 film, his “witness statement”, A Life on Our Planet; is eye-opening and powerful. I urge you to see it.

He describes the problem graphically, in his own inimitable and familiar style, and he offers hope - “7 actions to save the world”. I too am hopeful and optimistic that destructive planetary warming can be reversed so that future generations may have as much joy as I have experienced in my childhood, and as an adult.


Attenborough's 7 Actions Are:

Put people and planet before profit

Faced with a choice between profit, people, and planet, corporations have traditionally chosen profit. We must find a way to provide for our basic human needs and operate within our planet’s finite resources. The world is in need of a major paradigm shift—and this starts with you! 

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Replace oil with renewable energy

Renewables provide an avenue out of the environmental degradation. By relying on energy sources like wind, sun, hydro, and geothermal to power our civilization, we can cultivate a resilient system and live in harmony with the Earth...

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Embrace a sustainable lifestyle

In this complex world, it can be difficult to see the ethical consequences of our actions. Fortunately, there are certain considerations to keep in mind that will help you curb your impact...

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Create no-fishing zones in the ocean

Covering two-thirds of our planet’s surface, the ocean is both a food source for much of humanity and a vital carbon sink. Nonetheless, practices like overfishing are putting these ecosystems—and our own well-being—in jeopardy. Find out how you can help protect the oceans...

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Farm smarter and eat less meat

What if sustainable agriculture and solving world hunger went hand-in-hand? Although our meat consumption has gotten out of hand and food waste is deemed ‘the world’s dumbest environmental problem’, the are plenty of straightforward solutions at our disposal...

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Protect the forests

Much like the world’s oceans, forests are essential to our well-being. But given the rate of deforestation that has felled 46% of the world’s trees and threatened biodiversity everywhere, we must take action to protect these essential ecosystems! Will you join the fight?

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Raise people out of poverty to slow population growth

What’s the relationship between overpopulation and overconsumption? How can we stabilize rampant fertility rates while empowering people and raising them out of poverty? These are some of the big questions we face today, and it looks like you’ve found the perfect place to get started...

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